Beautiful Mess: an adventure with your body


She is delightfully chaotic;

a beautiful mess.

Loving her is a splendid adventure.

Steve Maraboldi

I don’t know about you, but struggling with or against my body has been a huge part of my thinking and focus since I was about ten years old.

I remember distinctly looking down at my legs in a gymnastics class and wondering why my legs were so chubby. Now, looking at photos of me when I was ten, I realise I wasn’t chubby at all. Where did those ideas come from?

In year ten I remember a girl following me and commenting, ‘Your bum is huge.’ I walked around for about three years afterward imagining my bottom to be massive—think Kim Kardashian times three.

Thus followed many years of fad diets, unhealthy thinking about my body and a self-consciousness bordering on obsessive which didn’t make me any thinner, or happier.

Fast forward to now. Do I still look at myself critically and wonder what people think of me?

I still worry about my appearance and putting on too much weight, but now it’s more of a health issue. I guess as you get older, body image is still an issue, but I made a shift in my 30’s to look at my health and well-being, rather than trying to be thin.

I gave up fad diets and took up exercise and healthy eating. I decided that I was never going to be stick thin. Genetics and an autoimmune condition mean that my body is always going to be fighting against itself.

So, I took up triathlon for a while as a motivation for exercise.

I’ve been going to the gym since 1997 and go to classes and have personal training sessions. I walk regularly in the bush near my house. I go for a run/walk with friends every Friday morning and then we have breakfast together.

This year I’ve done a few challenges. Our gym ran a rowing competition and I came second, beating a lot of girls more than half my age!

In October, I participated in Walk Over October, where I counted 356, 499 steps over the month on my pedometer. This means I walked or ran at least 270km during the month.

Elaine in Vancouver

In November, participated in a Detoxathon. It’s an opportunity for me to clean up my diet, try some healthy juicing and a few new recipes

I want to be more intentional about my health and taking part in these activities or challenges gives me motivation and mixes things up a bit.

Some friends have decided to do the Oxfam Trailwalker event in 2015. This involves walking 100km in 48 hours in order to raise money to help alleviate poverty. I joined the team and now I have to train for it. One of the training walks is a 50km hike—a training walk! What was I thinking?

My husband and I travel a lot and often hike difficult trails. In order to do this I need to be fit and strong.

Elaine in the snow

When I’m out in the bush, I can honestly say I’m not thinking about how I look. I’m reveling in the fact that I can walk, climb and carry gear for several kilometres and enjoy the challenge of reaching difficult to reach places.

Wellness is a combination of body, soul and spirit, and as long as I’m able, I plan to treat my body well so it can do what I need it to do.

So that’s why I eat healthily, try to get enough sleep, and exercise. In the process of taking the focus off appearance and onto function, health and enjoyment I find I’m finally comfortable in my own skin.

Here I am in Cocos Keeling Islands, physically challenging myself by swimming, cycling and snorkelling and enjoying the adventure of remote islands. I’m using my body for what it was designed for and having fun.

I’m learning that loving my body in all its beautiful mess is an adventure in itself that makes life worth living. 



#365adventure is a book lover’s year of adventures. Adventures in travel, friendship, family, soul, heart and, of course, book stores!

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