100 Day Creative Challenge Day 58: Retreat

100 Day Creative Challenge Day 58: Retreat 

As part of my plans for a new year, I set aside time for retreats. I spend time with a spiritual mentor at least twice a year. I attend some form of writing retreat. The last couple of years it’s been in Tuscany. (You can read about it here: http://www.elainefraser.co/blog/no-filter/)

I belong to a group of writers as part of the Kinwomen community. We set aside three days a year to sit and write together. It’s a space and time to work on our own projects, but also to encourage each other.

My husband and I have a day at the beginning of each year where we retreat, reflect on the past year and plan for the year ahead.

Today finds me an hour down the coast from Perth on a creative retreat with my beautiful, talented friend Amanda. We’ve travelled together for many years. Amanda was there the moment I realised I was called to be a writer before I’d written one book Amanda gave me advice and write the foreword for my first book. She contributed to my second. Amanda and I worked together on creative teams and events. I’ve read, critiqued and reviewed Amanda’s books.

We’ve taken a weekend writing retreat and sat in cafes for hours talking, sharing and being inspired by the conversations we’ve had. I’ve seen Amanda reinvent her creative life from one of frantic, event-based craziness infused with the energy that only a team approach can bring, to developing a community of women through Kinwomen. She has the most amazing blog and is a mentor to many.

So today, I’ve taken time to be challenged, inspired to be still. To write, think, pray, journal, sit, drink coffee, have inspiring conversations that will set my course for the year. Taking time out to think, create, reflect, respond with someone like my friend, Amanda is worth the investment.

We often think of holidays as being retreats, but holidays are more like escapes from our everyday routines were we rest. Some people spend 48 weeks of the year living for the next holiday and forget to live the rest of their lives as if it’s an adventure.

Retreats are one way we can plug into our souls and remember who we are and why we are living this life. Dare to retreat and find yourself again. It’s a great adventure!


In order to understand the world,

one has to turn away from it on occasion.

Albert Camus


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