In My Library: Elizabeth Klein


Elizabeth Klein is a qualified Primary School teacher with over 19 years experience in the classroom and 7 years as Tutor of English for both Primary and High School students.

Elizabeth has published several stories for the Yellow Box, a reading kit for early readers in Primary School. She also has many on-line Educational articles and lessons published as well as poetry and stories in two anthologies. Currently, Elizabeth is writing a fantasy series and has just completed her third book. She is partway into her fourth book in the series.

In 2010, her novel Firelight of Heaven was short-listed in the Caleb Unpublished Manuscript Competition. In 2012, it was accepted for publication by Wombat Books. Her second book in the series, Green Heart of the Forest, was awarded a finalist position in the 2011 Caleb Competition and has also been accepted for publication by Wombat Books. The third book in the series, Ice Breath of the Earth, was also awarded a finalist position in the Caleb Unpublished Manuscript Competition.

Recently, Elizabeth and I sat down over a virtual coffee and she shared some her passion for reading and writing with me.


1. If you could only choose one fiction book to read for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If I had to read just one book, then I would have to unashamedly say the Bible, since it benefits and comforts my soul above all other books. It’s sold more copies than any other book and has been around for thousands of years. It’s so underrated. But if you study it—really study it—then you would find it is full of wisdom for today as well as great stories.


 2. What is your dream destination?

I once did a very brief trip to New Zealand with my husband, Malcolm, and fell in love with the place. Unfortunately, our trip was short-lived since Mal’s father was dying. I have wanted to return often and with The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies being filmed there, one of my long-term desires has been to see Hobbiton and the other locations.

3. Is there a quote that sums up how you feel about books or reading?

This is one of my favourites and draws a tear sometimes when I read it. It’s from C.S. Lewis’s The Last Battle.  “‘The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning.’ And as He spoke, He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page; now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no –one on earth has read; which goes on for ever; in which every chapter is better than the one before.

4. What is your secret ambition? 

My secret ambition is to have enough books written so that I don’t have to go out and work 6 days any more. I love writing but I spend very little time at the computer because of my limited hours.

5. What is your favourite environment for reading?

I have a very comfortable lounge chair where I can put my feet up with a cup of Jarrah Swiss Coffee. 

Here’s a little bit about Elizabeth’s  book  Firelight of Heaven.


Mystical settings, powerful crystals, giant spiders and feisty elves – what more could a kid ask for? Children aged 10 and over will find all these magical marvels plus more in the recently launched Bethloria series.

The first volume, Firelight of Heaven, introduces the two main characters, orphaned brothers Robbie and Dougray. We know little of their parents, except for hints that there are dark secrets in their past. The book’s point of view switches between the brothers, giving us a deeper understanding of the characters and their touching but angst-ridden relationship.

In this book, the brothers are forced to flee from danger. They meet up with Belle, an elf girl, and commence their quest to locate the seven crystals of the Morning Star. If they fail, the Black Kingdom will cover the woods and permanent darkness will fall. The story interweaves elements of faith, loyalty and trust into an action-packed read.

Published by Australian publisher Wombat Books, this series promises to be popular with boys and girls alike.


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