One Hundred Day Creative Challenge Day 87: Connection

What gets one hundred women out on a Wednesday night in Perth? Last night I was privileged to be a part of the Inpsire Collective’s meet up at the Little Bird Cafe in Northbridge. One hundred women whose only connection is the desire share, be inspired, inspire others and collaborate had a blast.

Only connect!
E.M. Forster, Howards End

Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. We are not meant to do life alone and our creative lives are not exempt. Too often we are in our own little world creating and, unless we share with others, what we have created doesn’t take on life.

Conversations about dreams, hopes, projects, creativity, shared passions and ideas for collaboration abound in spaces like the Inspire Collective. That’s why so many women turned up on a week-night. It’s also a reminder that we are all imperfect and searching for the song in our heart that needs to be expressed.

Women are renowned for comparison and judgement and feelings of inadequacy, however, when you find a safe space where everyone admits that they are no better than anyone else, connection is beautiful. When each one has a valid and authentic story to tell, when each one’s story only adds to the others and doesn’t subtract it’s transcendent.

When we get to the place where competition is not in our vocabulary then we can truly connect. My brokenness and imperfection is made meaningful when you accept it and my story. When I accept your brokenness and imperfection then we connect.

When we create from that space, there is freedom and beauty and the connection is woven into a pattern that transcends anything we can create without it.


There is no perfection, only beautiful versions of brokenness. Shannon L. Alder

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