100 Day Creative Challenge Day 49

100 Day Creative Challenge Day 49: Creativity is Priceless

I hear people say that if only they had more money they could really be creative. But, if we waited for money to create we’d never do it.

What’s your definition of being rich? One of mine is being able to go into a bookstore or log on to Book Depository and buy any book I want.

Prosperity means different things to different people. Having a loving family, loyal friends, a home, food on the table, clothes, shoes and clean water are all things that people want or need in their lives. It’s interesting that after a tragedy like the recent fires in my state, people may have lost all their possessions, but are thankful that their family and pets survived. They’re thankful for life itself. They feel rich.

So, when it comes to creativity are you prosperous? 

So much of our mythology around money centers on the illusion that if we had ‘more,’ we would be more comfortable and more able to access our creativity. But creativity and prosperity are spiritual matters, not fiscal ones. Julia Cameron

There’s something magical about having a prosperous creative spirit. Being thankful for creativity itself and living large despite how much money we have or don’t have will open up the portals of providence.

My accountant tells me how much money I’m NOT making from my books each year, but it doesn’t stop me writing. One day the money may pour in if I write THE book that becomes a bestseller. Money puts food on the table, pays for internet access and buys lots of good books, but a thriving creative spirit is priceless.

Explorer William Hutchinson Murray wrote: Concerning all acts of initiative or creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.

If you’re being held back by the idea that you need more resources in order to develop your creativity then perhaps reframe your understanding of prosperity and develop your creative spirit. Be the richest artist in town.




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