A Brain Tumour, Shoes, and Amazing Grace

Many years ago, Becky was a sweet teenager in my class. When she left school, I didn’t see her, but over the years, we’ve connected over Facebook. When I read that Becky had a brain tumour and, after surgery, subsequently suffered a debilitating stroke, I was heartbroken. 

After a routine scan last year, it was revealed that the tumour was still present and was inoperable. However, alternate treatment was sought in Germany at the Klinic St. George and that would cost a lot of money.

Her friends and family began Project Heel for Becky Go Fund Me project. (You can watch the story here)

When I saw a pair of converse sneakers covered in rainbow coloured hearts and glitter,  I wanted them for the cover of my book.

I bid on them and they arrived at my door.  When I opened the box I smiled. They were so beautiful and perfect for the cover.

I said a prayer for Becky and think of her every time I see them, or look at the cover of the book.

My husband said, ‘They are so perfect for your book. They have rainbow hearts and your book is about a girl who is questioning her sexuality.’

‘Ha! I said, ‘I never even thought about that!’

The only problem with the shoes is that they are a US 6 (/UK 4/Eur 36.5) I began the hunt for my Converse Cinderella.

Fortunately, my daughter moved back home for a few weeks and I asked her to try them on. They fit! My trusty photographer (husband) took the photos in our garden and voila! A cover shot was made.

Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 2.19.00 pm

A Little Fun

If you’d like a copy of Amazing Grace,  as well as the previous two books, and an invite to the launch, just put your name in the comments —either on this post or on my Facebook page.

Join in the fun, and when you see those shoes on the cover, remember to say a prayer for the amazing Becky who continues to fight for health and life.


Elaine xxx


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