Appointments For Adventure 4: Create

My husband, Steve is working on a new book and we spent until almost midnight last night chatting about his book. We brainstormed themes, read lots of quotes, talked about his philosophy of ‘integrity of the shot’ and a million others things that spring boarded out of the conversation.

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Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste. Charlotte Brontë

At the same time, I was conscious that I hadn’t written my blog yesterday and wanted to get it done by midnight so that I could keep to my 365Adventure schedule. But, it was an appointment to create—together.

This morning as I drove him to the airport so he could fly to meet the designer of his book, we talked about how exciting it is to create something that will be shared with others.

He told me, ‘It’s okay to take thousands of photos, but if you don’t do anything with it, what’s the point?’

Creating something just for the love of it has its own rewards, however, creating to share, not for fame or money, but for the love of giving and sharing is priceless.

Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious. Ruth Reichl

So, why do I write? Why does Steve take photos? Is it all about me? Is it all about you?

Creating is about sharing and giving, enjoying together, benefitting each other and creating something beautiful beyond just the work.

I see this in my friends who knit, bake, paint, sew, arrange flowers, make coffee or whatever—when they share, it’s a beautiful moment.


Today, my appointment is to create, to write and ultimately share. What’s your appointment going to be?

It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.  Snoop Dogg

#365adventure is a book lover’s year of adventures. Adventures in travel, friendship, family, soul, heart and, of course, book stores!

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