100 Day Creative Challenge Day 68

100 Day Creative Challenge Day 68: Developing Your Voice

On Day 61, I wrote that Finding Your Voice  means finding out how to express your deepest thoughts. The next challenge is how to develop your voice with confidence.

When we find our voice and the story we are meant to tell, it will flow from us. Developing it from a raw, rough and rambling attempt to communicating our ideas into something polished, precise and perfected takes much time and practice.

When you see an audition tape by a young actor, an early movie, or an obscure TV show and compare it their most recent work, the poise and polish they have as mature, established actors can be an enormous contrast.

Where we begin is not where we will end up. It’s taken me many years to discover my voice and feel  confident that it is valid. That it will stand up on the world stage. I am me. I can try and be someone else, but that would only be stealing someone else’s story promise.

Each one of us is unique and individual and ‘us’. We can choose to live out our destiny or choose to ignore it. Our creativity is something sown deep within that calls us to be who we were created to be. It’s up to us to chase after it, own it, release it.

I read this today:

We are God’s workmanship. In the context this was written the word workmanship comes from the Greek word for poem. If we take this to it’s fullest meaning, our lives are meant to be poems and they’re to be lived on purpose.

If you’ve been called to write, then write with all you’ve got and take the time to develop your voice.

Practise and develop your skills so that your voice will be heard clearly and with all the power it deserves to honour the story promise of your life.


developing your voice

Putting time and effort


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